Sunday, November 28, 2010

Back to reality

Tonight is the last night of my glorious staycation. It's kind of amazing what staying at a hotel ten minutes away from your house can do to your psyche. I've been so relaxed and productive and feel ready to start December with a bang. I've got a busy couple of weeks coming up, so this was perfect timing.

Are you still looking to do some holiday shopping? I have a few opportunities for you, both online, and at some brick and mortars. First of all, tomorrow is "Cyber Monday," a day when most websites offer great deals. I'm offering free shipping on orders over $30.00 - enter coupon code "CYBERMONDAY." I'll also be at a few shows in the next week or's where you can find me:

Friday, December 3, 9-4: I will be participating in the Fairview Southdale craft show with my friend, Stephanie. I'll be selling all of my wares as well as taking custom orders!

Wednesday, December 8, 4:30-8:30: Muddy Paws Cheesecake in St Louis Park is having its 18th annual toy drive and cheesecake sampling! Yum! Bring in a toy for the toy drive, sample the best cheesecake in the Twin Cities and shop some great local artists!

A final reminder...if you're still trying to decide on an order, please place it by December 7th to GUARANTEE it gets to your door by Christmas Eve. I might be able to accept orders later than that, but December 7th is a for sure date to keep in your mind :) Remember...everything is custom made just for you, so I usually need 7-10 days to get it whipped up for you!

Hope everyone has a great start to their week!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Staycation, all I ever wanted...

Have you ever done a staycation? I used to think the idea of it was pretty silly, but after only 1 night of staycation, I must is great. Originally, I was supposed to head home to South Dakota for Thanksgiving and my brother and his family were supposed to travel as well. Due to weather, our plans had to change and we were going to be "stuck" in Minneapolis. Don't get me wrong...I love's awesome. But since I started working at home, my apartment gets a little monotonous. I felt like I had to get out of town, but the weather wouldn't allow it.

Dad to the rescue! My dad got us a hotel suite for the long weekend so we could go swimming, have room service, in room movies and cable tv (a bit of a luxury for us, as neither my brother or I get more than 8 channels). We checked in last night, went swimming, ordered pizza and my niece and nephew were stoked about watching Cartoon Network. After partaking in the breakfast buffet, we swam more then went out to eat for lunch. (Why not!?! We're on staycation!)

I've also been able to get a lot of crocheting done, which has been awesome. I suppose I should mention (since it's kind of the point of this blog), that I have my own business, attagirl by kedrin. I make custom crocheted pieces like hats, gloves and scarves. Check out my website - If you feel like shopping today, I'm running a Black Friday special, too - everything is 25% off - just enter the coupon code "BLACKFRIDAY." I'll also be participating in Small Business Saturday tomorrow with 15% off the entire store (coupon code "SMALLBIZ").

I'm getting all caught up on orders and watching "Pirates of the Caribbean" with my nephew now. Staying in a hotel for a few days is really helping my productivity and clearing my head from the boredom I sometimes feel sitting in my apartment. Heck, the staycation even got me to FINALLY start my blog!

Follow my blog for more posts, links and generally awesome things. You never know when I might post an awesome deal for my website!